Asclepias incarnata - Swamp milkweed
Has pink blooms that attract a variety of pollinators such as butterflies and hummingbirds. Of special value to native, honey, and bumble bees. Its sap is poisonous to humans. This swamp milkweed is great for rain gardens or areas with wet soils.
"Cinnamon scented summer umbels are composed of many tiny star shaped florets. The intricate florets look like freshly extruded pink cake decorations. Monarch, red admiral, American lady, painted lady, swallowtail, fritillary, and hairstreak butterflies along with bumblebees, honeybees, hummingbird moths and hummingbirds seek the floral nectar. " - New Moon Nursery
"A strong tea made with the whole plant was given to stimulate the kidneys." - Cornell University Botanical Gardens
Height: 3-5 ft
Sun: Sun to partial sun
Water: Medium to wet
Bloom color: Pink
Bloom time: July, August