Agastache foeniculum - Anise hyssop
Attractive and easy to grow plant with a delicious, liquorice-like smell. Forms long spikes of lavender flowers.
A very attractive and easy to grow plant. Leaves have a delicious, liquorice-like smell. From mid-summer to frost, plants have spires of lavender flowers.
Anise hyssops are among the most bee-attracting plants in North America. They are native to New York State as well as the mid West.
"Historically, mass plantings of one species, anise hyssop, were established in parts of the Midwest and Canada specifically as a honey plant. Nineteenth-century beekeeper accounts claimed that a single acre could provide ample forage for 100 colonies of bees, and that bees preferred giant hyssop even to sweetclover." - 100 Plants to Feed the Bees
Height: 3-4 ft.
Sun: Sun
Water: Medium to dry
Bloom color: Lavender
Bloom time: July, August, September